This post is intended for an adult audience.
Content warning: NSFW images
Immediately after I completed the insertable swimsuit I did a test fit and got some quick photos. But, as luck would have it, I was hosting a kink-friendly party in just a few days. This would make for an excellent opportunity to properly debut the outfit. (Only one photo in this section was actually taken at the party, the rest were taken during the test fit.)
After most of the guests had arrived at the party, I signaled to my girlfriend Pixel_Puck. We went through into my bedroom. I stripped. She put my collar on me. I lay on my back in a receiving position. She picked up the outfit, lubed up the buttplug, and inserted it. I’m not experienced with anal play, so I moaned quite loudly, my breathing heavy. I stood, and she attached my cuffs. Then she gagged me.
She walked me back through to the room of the party. Over the course of a few seconds, the conversation dried up, people noticing me.
I looked at the floor. I felt a curious blend of emotions:
- Pride. I thought about how much work I’d put in to bringing this idea to life. I was excited for people to see it, and to see me in it.
- Embarrassment. Almost everyone present had seen me naked before, but this was different. I was worse than naked. The outfit was obscene.
- The knowledge that I had done this to myself. That I had wanted to be objectified like this so much that I invested all the effort to make it happen.
Looking at my front, people must have initially thought I was just gagged and wearing a regular slingshot swimsuit. But then my girlfriend ordered me to turn to face away from the group. I felt their eyes on my body even more strongly now that I couldn’t see them.
They could see that the shoulder straps did not wrap around my neck, but terminated in cuffs. They began to understand the predicament I was in, trying to keep my nipples covered.
Just as I was turning to face everyone again, someone slowly asked “wait… where does it attach at the bottom?”
There were murmurs as others realised the apparent discrepancy between the front and back views. I spun so that they could one again see the back. It began to dawn on people. They asked me to bend over.
I felt a tremendous vulnerability in that moment, showing my plug to a roomful of people. Everyone realising the full depravity of my costume.
I was then allowed to sit down, listening to conversation but not participating. The conversation touched upon a special interest of mine. I wanted to make a contribution, but I was gagged. I condensed what I wanted to say to only two words and moaned them out, trying to make myself understood. People laughed at me and my frustration at the inability to communicate my thoughts.
After about half an hour, I stood up once more. The outfit was no longer even slightly covering my nipples, and the front had ridden up to give me a frontal wedgie.
After a quick photo op, I was brought back through to the bedroom to be freed. The tension applied to the butt plug had started to cause me some pain, so I was quite relieved. The feeling of the plug being removed was intense, and I was left panting for half a minute.
I’m not sure how many opportunities I’ll get to wear the outlandish garment, it seems like it’d be inappropriate in almost any context. But perhaps if I get invited to a lewd pool party then it will make another appearance.