One night while I was lying with Theophage, I told her I had an idea for a scene with Hubris that I’d like her help with. The goal was to create a “cursed item” that, when Hubris wore it, would compel her to identify herself as my clone.
The object in question would be my collar. Collars are commonly considered to have special significance within kink circles. Outside of the symbolism of collaring someone representing ownership of them, collars are also very personal. I’m not quite as precious about my collar as some people, if someone was thinking of buying a martingale collar I’d be happy to let them try mine on first. But I do ascribe some meaning to it, especially if it’s being used “in anger” in a kink scene. So having Hubris wear my collar felt like an appropriate way to invoke a link with my identity.
When Hubris was wearing the collar, she would temporarily forget her own name. She would not respond to it. She would refer to me as The Original, and herself as Misofist Jr. (I knew that she’d find the “Jr” distasteful, and that only made it better.)