Just had a dream that I was out enjoying some sunshine and reading a book and decided to take some kind of drug.
- Published 2024-07-13.Read more…
Read more…Published 2024-07-04.I got home, and discovered that my landlord had visited with a plumber while I’d be out. (I assumed my roommate had called them in). My toilet had gleaming new stainless steel hardline piping to its cistern, none of that ugly flexible pipe.
Then I left the bathroom and walked to the lounge room, and it seemed they had also got a sparky in. An abundance of new lightswitches were on the wall, waiting for me to discover their purpose.
Published 2024-05-09.ILSI Death Plan
Published 2024-04-21.Content warning: mention of death
Read more…I’m woken up by my apartment intercom ringing. My roommate answers it. I figure he must’ve got Uber Eats. I check the time, it’s 12:30pm. I sleepily mumble-yell something to my roommate, but he says he’s already had lunch. Apparently I have guests.
- Published 2024-04-05.
I had a dream that I was arguing fiercely with my dad about something but mid-argument he called me by my chosen name for the first time. And I had this weird mix of being angry / fired up still for whatever we were arguing about, but also feeling really pleased at the effort he was making, and thinking what a touching way it was to subtly remind me how much he cares about me even when we are arguing.
And now that I’m awake and know it didn’t happen I’m having a tough time processing it.
Like I don’t think I’d ever get angry at someone for something they did in a dream, but it’s a bit harder to disregard positive feelings I have from a dream. I don’t know if I want to discard them. Let me cling to the unreality.
Read more…Published 2023-12-18.I had a dream last night where there was some sort of pandemic that only affected women. I was in hospital for unrelated reasons and they found something rare in my DNA. They were like “we know a research team that could really use a small amount of your blood to develop a proof-of-concept cure”. So I agreed.