Misofist's Musings

Tag: advice


I'm Misofist (she/they), a proud non-binary trans woman, activist, kinkster, and amateur pornographer. I mostly write about trans issues, kink, and polyamory. You can find me on Fediverse as @Misofist@girlcock.club. If you'd like to buy some porn, check out my C4S store.

  1. Ok take notes friends, if I make a post about having my period, I don’t want the majority of comments to say “ummm actually trans women don’t get periods you just get literally every symptom of a period except bleeding and I have arbitrarily decided that the bleeding is the only part that matters and it’s very important for you to remember that you don’t have and will never have a uterus”.

    Like “it’s only a period if it comes from the utérus region of France” yeah ok.

    Maybe check a dictionary and you’ll find the definition of “The set of symptoms associated with menstruation, EVEN IF NOT ACCOMPANIED BY MENSTRUATION; an episode of these symptoms.” (Emphasis mine)

    I’m going to call my penis a clit too you can’t stop me.

    Published 2024-07-25.
  2. I watched Wendell & Wild today. Siobhan is kind of a model of how to approach leftism as a privileged person.

    She says something outside of her lane that’s well-meaning but naive, and gets harshly rebuked by someone with lived experience.

    She doesn’t whine or get defensive or demand they explain themselves, instead she goes away and does her own research. And once she’s learned, she apologises, and then enthusiastically joins the fight.

    We should all strive for this energy.

    Published 2024-02-04.