This post is intended for an adult audience.
Content warning: mind fuck, cnc, plurality, soft snuff
I did a really fun scene with my girlfriends @trannytheophage a few months ago, and… ok this one’s going to require some explanation.
Detailed explanation
About me
My self-conceptualisation is that I am a robotgirl, but the substrate that my software runs on is a dog brain. Someone put a dog’s brain in a robot chassis and then programmed it to act like a human.
During everyday life (when I’m masking) I act like an ordinary human, but I feel like a robot inside. (Why yes, I am autistic, how could you tell?) When I am around people I trust, I let my robotic side show. When I am around people I really really trust, I sometimes let the scared, traumatised dog out. Weed oil is a great tool to cause my software to crash and let the dog’s instincts to take over.
In recognition of this, during kink I wear a pendant on my collar. It has my name on the front, and my model & serial number on the reverse:
S/N: 230716044
About trannytheophage
trannytheophage is a plural system. I am independently dating two of the members of this system, Hubris and Theophage.
Hubris is submissive and Theophage is dominant. Hubris has always been highly susceptible to hypnosis, and since Theophage split it has been one of her responsibilities to enforce Hubris’ hypnotic triggers. Theophage is responsible for maintaining the safety and happiness of Hubris, and all triggers only work with her cooperation.
The flipside of this is that I don’t have to be an expert at hypnosis to run interesting hypno scenes with Hubris: I can just chat with my co-conspirator Theophage and she’s happy to make it happen.
About us
Hubris and I have weirdly similar brains. We experience largely the same anxieties, insecurities, and maladaptive behaviours. We also have extremely similar views on how to approach topics of mental health. This creates funny scenarios where when one of us is having a rough mental health day, the advice the other one will give is entirely predictable. Sometimes it’s nice to have someone who understands so well, sometimes it’s annoying to hear our own words echoed back to us, sometimes we can gain reassurance without even having to reach out since we already know what the other would say, and sometimes it’s frustrating to struggle to put our concerns into words without being revealed as a hypocrite.
Due to these similarities, we started talking about how we have the same brain, and this evolved into the shared lore that Hubris is my clone.
TL;DR - I am a robotgirl, I wear a pendant with my name and serial number. My girlfriend Hubris is my clone. Hubris has an alter called Theophage who can mess with her thoughts and memories.
Scene prep
One night while I was lying with Theophage, I told her I had an idea for a scene with Hubris that I’d like her help with. The goal was to create a “cursed item” that, when Hubris wore it, would compel her to identify herself as my clone.
The object in question would be my collar. Collars are commonly considered to have special significance within kink circles. Outside of the symbolism of collaring someone representing ownership of them, collars are also very personal. I’m not quite as precious about my collar as some people, if someone was thinking of buying a martingale collar I’d be happy to let them try mine on first. But I do ascribe some meaning to it, especially if it’s being used “in anger” in a kink scene. So having Hubris wear my collar felt like an appropriate way to invoke a link with my identity.
But I didn’t want her to literally be me, I wanted her to be my clone. In service of this, I got another pendant manufactured. It’s almost identical to mine, complete with my name. The difference? I casually asked Hubris what her favourite number was, and I incorporated her answer into her unique serial number: 240828666
When Hubris was wearing the collar, she would temporarily forget her own name. She would not respond to it. She would refer to me as The Original, and herself as Misofist Jr. (I knew that she’d find the “Jr” distasteful, and that only made it better.)
Theophage asked if I wanted Hubris to be conscious of what was happening but be unable to resist, or if I wanted her to be completely oblivious to the fact that she was referring to us differently. Both options had their appeal, but I thought the second option was just a little bit more exciting. Sadly in practice this part didn’t quite work out as planned, but it was fun thinking about the possibilities.
We also discussed the risk that, since trannytheophage is already a plural system, Misofist Jr might take hold as a personality. This wasn’t the intent of the scene (I wanted it to be Hubris forced to adopt her own identity as my clone, not some new personality) but it was a plausible outcome. Theophage said that if this happened, she would euthanise Misofist Jr.
I was hosting a small private kink party. Hubris arrived early, so that she could get her outfit and makeup ready. Once she was all ready, before guests arrived, I told her how she was going to refer to herself & me for the night. She said “good luck making me do that”, and I replied “I don’t have to. This will do it for me.”
I pulled out the collar from my drawer and showed it to her. I like to imagine that Theophage caused her to feel some kind of cursed aura emanating from it. Then I fitted it around her neck.
As guests arrived to the party, before they could greet her I said “Welcome! Oh and let me introduce you to my clone, Misofist Jr!” People were a little confused, but everyone was a good sport and ran with it. As the night progressed, people got more and more enthusiastic, and really started having fun with it.
Misofist Jr spent most of that night hurting people. She might be submissive, but she’s also very sadistic. She went around the party wielding a chain flogger and a particularly vicious silicone viper-tail whip. (Even a gentle flick of it is enough to leave an impressive welt.)
But for all she was hurting them, hearing them refer to her as Misofist Jr undermined her intimidation. It was hard to take her too seriously. People were begging her to stop flogging them, but simultaneously snickering as they named her. She wasn’t a true individual, she was just my clone. Her power was not her own, it was borrowed from me.
It turns out that the way she referred to me was too deeply ingrained of a habit to change on the spot. But when she messed up and called me Misofist (instead of Original), she felt a strong pain in her head, a punishment for forgetting herself. The pain lasted until she corrected herself. At first she called me Misofist on purpose, savouring the unique sensation. But the novelty soon wore off, and she started to correct herself with more and more haste. It was cute to watch her defiance leave her so quickly.
As the night came to a close and it was time for Hubris to go home, I removed the collar.
Several minutes later she told me that she could still hear Misofist Jr in her head. She went quiet for a bit, and then Theophage was fronting. She whispered in my ear:
I killed Misofist Jr. I can taste her blood. I dealt with her, as I will some day deal with you too, doll.
The next day when I was texting another plural friend she said she could hear my voice reading my messages inside her head. So perhaps Misofist Jr lives on as a virus, hopping from headspace to headspace. Perhaps if she continues spreading she can serve as my shield. Perhaps Theophage will be so distracted hunting my self-replicating clones that she will neglect to address the origin. Perhaps I am safe, for now.