For a long time I have sworn by my body pillow.
I used to have constant pain in my back and neck, as well as very limited mobility in my neck. Everyone that I saw regarding these issues told me I needed to do daily exercises and correct my sitting posture. For a person who probably has ADHD these were both difficult to achieve, and when I did do them it helped a bit but didn’t fix the problem.
But then one day I kinda had a revelation: when I slept, my spine was all twisted at weird angles. So I decided to fix my sleep posture, and wouldn’t you know it, this made a world of difference. I’m now actually completely pain-free when it comes to my back and neck.
Initially I worked on consciously sleeping with better posture, and this helped a lot. But once I got my body pillow I no longer had to think about posture at all, hugging the body pillow naturally gives me perfect sleep posture.
Anyway, recently I’ve discovered that the body pillow has another very important use for polyam people: when there are three people sleeping in a queen bed, you can use a body pillow as a shared pillow to make sure nobody falls down the pillow gap.