This post is intended for an adult audience.

Content warning: intox play

A screenshot of a Facebook post by "Girldick memes for very good beans". The text reads "Gosh I just want a cute girl to curl up at my feet while I play video games, I would buy her cheeseburgers and get her so stoned...

Recently tried this with Average Succubus Intern. I got extremely stoned while she was playing Outer Wilds.

In the past I’ve made the usual amount of joking comments about being a catgirl or a doggirl or whatever seems funny at the time, but I’ve never been serious about those identities. I’m a robotgirl and that’s it.

But as I lay curled up with my head on my GF’s lap, I kept finding it hard to think about anything and then reassuring myself with “that’s ok, puppies don’t need to think” and just soaking in the pleasant sounds of Andrew Prahlow and the warmth of my GF’s thighs. I felt the peace of a carefree pampered lapdog. I guess I made it to puppyspace? Very liberating experience.