I’m seeing a speech pathologist for voice feminisation, I had my second session today. He told me I need to practice meowing and nyaaing.
It’s kinda funny to me that becoming a catgirl is an important step towards feminising my voice. Place your bets as to whether my girlfriend will incorporate this into our next scene.
One of the first things he’s trying to help me with is raising my average pitch. In order to get started with this, he told me to use the Voice Tools app to produce an F3 tone, then try to make an “mmmm” sound at the same frequency. I also need to be careful to make the “mmmm” sound using “Forward Focused Facial Resonance”, which means that the sound should be felt in the front of the face, not in the throat. You can lightly touch the side of your nose and make sure that it vibrates when you make the noise. You should make a “light” mmmm sound.
Then he said that I should make a “mee” sound. The “ee” vowel naturally makes me lift my tongue, which decreases the space for resonance in the mouth. When the tongue is lowered, my voice sounds more “boomy” and masculine.
Then I need to practice gliding the “ee” sound into other vowel sounds, like “ah”, “eh”, “oh”, “oo”. While doing this, I need to make sure my tongue remains in the same position and the sound does not become “boomy”.
Finally, I need to try to avoid my voice sounding “breathy”. In order to do this I need to increase something called “twang”, and the easiest way to feel twang is to make a pronounced “meow” sound. So I “meow” to feel the twang, then I “meeah” and “meeoh” etc… to practice my vowel sounds. (Using the m to find my average pitch, and the ee to position my tongue)
And eventually when I become confident with making all these sounds, I’ll be able to get rid of the “mee” training wheels and pronounce vowels in a feminine way from the start.