I had a dream last night where there was some sort of pandemic that only affected women. I was in hospital for unrelated reasons and they found something rare in my DNA. They were like “we know a research team that could really use a small amount of your blood to develop a proof-of-concept cure”. So I agreed.

They set me up with an IV, took my blood, and then started taking me to meet the research team. We caught the train (me dragging the IV behind) and then walked. (I guess I’m such a fan of public transport that in my dreams I forgot ambulances exist?)

We got to the research team and gave them my blood, and then I was chatting with them. I asked “So assuming your proof-of-concept works, how do you scale up? Will you try to synthesise this compound, or will you find lots of people with this same rare gene and take their blood too?”

And they said that they’d find others with the same gene, and that they had to be under 30. They said that technically they didn’t even have to be women, but that women would feel better knowing that the DNA came from a woman.

And I was like “a woman’s DNA, huh?” and that’s when they were like “oh are you a trans woman?” and I said yes. And there was this moment where everyone kinda worked through what this meant.

I joked “you know people are going to blame this on the trans agenda, that trans people are injecting women with trans DNA. But it’s not trans people, all of you researchers are cis”.

After we all laughed a bit I left and there was a grocery store in the exit almost like a gift shop, I spent a while looking at ice cream but didn’t buy any.

Anyway, I don’t usually read meaning into dreams, I just found this funny and wanted to share. The inclusion of dragging the IV around probably comes from my recent surgery experience, no idea where the rest came from.